服務內容 : TemplateMonster新增加FLASH CMS模版
作者 網頁設計師 於 2009年10月16日 10:10:00 (14058 次閱讀)

TemplateMonster新的FLASH設計我們也創造了數您在會員工具橫幅部分能現在找到在您的帳戶的一刹那CMS橫幅。 我們從flashmoto.com也增加閃光CMS,

TemplateMonster News:

Here comes our monthly September report of the most important events we have come through this month - one of the most expected by you and us being of course the launch of Flash CMS Templates on Oct 06, 2009 - that has without any doubt become an amazing addition to the collection of affiliate stores templates since these catchy designs come aslo supplied with making flash content easy to edit and feature-rich Flash CMS (we have presented the Flash CMS features and the new designs to browse on the video presentation page) . The new Flash CMS Templates produced exclusively for this CMS are now available for galleries as type 36 and for you to start referring your visitors to browse the new Flash designs on TemplateMonster we have also created several Flash CMS banners that you can now find in the banner section of Affiliate Tools on your account. As we are also adding the Flash CMS from flashmoto.com as a separate product starting from Nov 04, 2009 - so by this time we are planning the start of the new Flash CMS affiliate project - similar to those that already exist within the basic affiliate program - the Flash CMS project will enable you to offer the new revolutionary Flash CMS to your customers and get 20% affiliate commission for each product the regular price for which is going to be $199.

Sadly enough but the launch of Silverlight Templates and Silverlight Intro Templates based on Microsoft Silverlight that we expected already at the end of September is being delayed but we do hope that very soon we will announce these two long-awaited types finally launched and enriched the collection of TemplateMonster's stunning designs.

We are not sure about the exact launch date but are presently getting ready with another coming soon newbie product for your customers willing to style their ecommerce stores nicely - these will be new Joomla!- based Virtuemart Templates our design team is working on now.
And this is not all as we keep even more upcoming products and ideas in store for your shops - so stay tuned!

With best wishes to you all,
MyTemplateStorage.com Team

P.S. We would also like you to check on any updates we may add to affiliate terms of use - just recently we have added an update as to the use of TemplateMonster's branded keywords to the TOS section on MyTemplateStorage.com - please, check it out on the page if you haven't seen it yet.

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